суббота, 15 февраля 2014 г.

How to Run Fast | Increase Running Speed


All football players must work to improve their speed. Football is a sport of field awareness, the ability to change direction, and the ability to cover a distance in the shortest amount of time. Running fast is broken down into two elements: stride length and stride frequency. If a football player or other athlete wants to increase their speed they must improve one of the two, or both. Completing speed and agility drills at 100% intensity can stimulate muscle transformation and lead to a faster athlete. The KbandsHigh Knee Wall Drill on the video below represents a challenging drill that can give great results.

Running Workouts | Training to Run

Football players should go through a proper warm-up before doing any speed and agility drill. It is important to make sure the body is loose and the heart rate is up. A warm-up should increase the football player's body temperature until he reaches a light sweat. Now that the football player is good and loose, it's time to go over the proper body positioning and techniques for the High Knee Wall Drill with Kbands. As seen in the video, the football player must place his hands on the wall leaving his body at a 45° angle with the ground. The football player must maintain a flat back with a good base from his hands and feet. Football players must remain on the balls of their feet and not roll back to their heels. Body position is important when working to improve sprint speed. Technique can shave a football player's 40 yard times and improve NFL Combine agility testing times. Make sure to pay close attention to how the football player is moving during the drill.

Kbands Wall Drill 

Increase Speed With Technique

As the football player drives each knee up he should be conscious not to let his butt move back and pull out of the flat back position. A football player will not be able to utilize full extension through his glute and hamstrings if he rolls his lower back during this drill. Imagine trying to jump without straightening the legs. An athlete would never reach full jump height potential without straightening the legs. The same goes for running speed. Training will go to waste if a football player or any athlete trains without proper technique. Train smart then hard. A football player must keep a flat back and drive his legs with power. The faster a football player can move his legs with proper technique, the faster the football player will begin running. Strength and speed training take time because muscles have to adapt, but with consistency and determination football players can increase their speed with the Kbands High Knee Wall Drill. 

How to Utilize Kbands to Run Faster

Resistance running is proven to increase stride length. We utilize Kbands to help increase leg strength and running power while completing a stride frequency drill. Kbands increase muscle stimulation each time the knee is raised. As the knee moves past the relaxed position the opposing leg adds the resistance needed. The football player receives double benefit when he reaches the full extension of his drive with one leg down and the other near or above parallel. The base leg on the ground is receiving resistance from Kbands with its hamstring and glutes, while the lifted leg fires through the hip flexors and quads. As explained, Kbands allow football players and all athletes to train like they compete. They are designed to build muscle in the exact way sports require. This workout can benefit football players as well as all athletes. Continue reading and write down the video workout to improve speed at home.

Kbands Speed Training | Running Workouts

The Kbands High Knee Wall Drill is great for building power and speed. Football players must strap the leg bands around each leg to complete this drill. The label goes on the front and the rings go on the outside of each leg. Kbands come with 2 sets of resistance bands. If the user is over 110 pounds they receive a set of green and red bands. Athletes can then choose the level of resistance out of the 2. Red is for beginners and green is for moderate to advanced users. If the user is less than 110 pounds they will receive 2 sets of bands that are shorter and more fit to the hip alignment of the smaller person. The 2 sets of leg bands they receive are yellow and red. Yellow is easier and the red is for more advanced users.
The football player will position himself next to the wall after properly putting on Kbands. Use a timer to count the intervals of the drill when ready to begin the sequence. First, complete 15 seconds of resisted high knees. As soon as the resisted set is complete, unclip the leg bands and immediately begin 12 seconds of unresisted high knees. The unresisted reps are very important. This is when football players or any athlete will feel a feather-like feeling in their legs. Leg muscle recruitment is through the roof right after the leg bands are taken off. This is when all athletes must work at what feels like 120% effort. Using the sensation of feather-like legs gives football players the ability to move their legs faster than ever before. It is during this time that football players will begin altering their muscle fiber type. Slow twitch muscles will begin turning into fast twitch muscles because they are overloaded with intensity. Complete this resisted to unresisted set 5 to 6 times. Rest for a minute and a half to two minutes in between each set. This will allow football players to continue working at 100% intensity. 50% effort equals 0 results. 100% effort with equal improvements in speed and agility.

Looking for Other Football Running Drills  

Use the chart below to find several other speed and agility drills used for football players. Combine the Kbands High Knee Wall Drill with other bag drills to become a better football player. It is essential to allow 4-5 minutes in between individual drills when striving to improve speed. This will allow the body to continue to work at maximal effort. Football players should only train at maximal effort for 30 to 40 minutes a day when training for speed and agility. This will allow the body to adjust without overtraining. Completing hours upon hours of speed and agility work will only break the body down and prevent growth. Working for 30 to 40 minutes at maximal effort will improve speed and agility greatly. Another small tip is to always allow one or two days of rest in between speed and agility training sessions. Rest is the time the body builds muscle. Without sufficient rest the body will begin to overtrain and get little to no results. Train like you compete with Kbands and always train smart THEN hard. 

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